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iPlay America


Special Hours

Jan 2011 AM-9 PM

Normal Hours



Wednesday4 PM-9 PM

Thursday4 PM-9 PM

Friday4 PM-11 PM

Saturday11 AM-11 PM

Sunday11 AM-9 PM

Rides & Attractions

Special Hours

Jan 2012 PM-9 PM

Normal Hours



Wednesday5 PM-9 PM

Thursday5 PM-9 PM

Friday5 PM-10 PM

Saturday12 PM-10 PM

Sunday12 PM-9 PM

The Bistro

Special Hours

Jan 2012 PM-10 PM

Normal Hours

Monday4 PM-10 PM


Wednesday4 PM-10 PM

Thursday4 PM-10 PM

Friday4 PM-12 AM

Saturday10 AM-12 AM

Sunday10 AM-9 PM

Topgolf Swing Suite

Special Hours

Jan 2012 PM-9 PM

Normal Hours



Wednesday5 PM-10 PM

Thursday5 PM-10 PM

Friday5 PM-11 PM

Saturday12 PM-11 PM

Sunday12 PM-9 PM

110 Schanck Road | Freehold, NJ

The Raving NEVER Stops!

Once upon a midnight cheery, while I pondered, what’s fun near me,
Dreaming of a place with volumes of spooky fun in store —
While I pondered, fingers tapping, suddenly there came a rapping,
As of some one loudly yapping, yapping by my chamber door.
“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “yapping at my chamber door—
Only this and nothing more.”

Ah, distinctly I do know sir, it was in the month of October;
As each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I turned to listen — fearing what I had been missing
A Spooky Spooktacular Halloween—so very near the Jersey Shore—
Rides, and FUN and spooky stuff —so very near the Jersey Shore—
Come on yapper – tell me more.

Spooky Spooktacular Halloween

People are “RAVING” about iPlay America’s Spooky Spooktacular Halloween!

Tales of wondrous iPlay America, bringing me to near hysteria,
Thrilling me—filling me with fantastic hope of terrors never felt before;
So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating
“There is a Spooky Spooktacular Halloween in store—
Some late visitor treating me with tales of magic near the Jersey Shore; —
This it is and so much more!”

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
“Sir,” said I, “or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was napping, and then you came abruptly rapping,
So loudly you came yapping, yapping outside my chamber door,
sure I heard you”—thus I opened wide the door; —

Darkness there and nothing more.

Little orange ghosts

There’s tons of Spooky FUN at iPlay America!

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;
Of rides and FUN and games and foods, pumpkin carving, scary dudes,
Laser Tag and Go Kart racing, ghouls and good times so embracing!
Could the Spooky Spectacular be what I’d been chasing?
Exactly this and so much more!

Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard a yapping somewhat louder than before.
“Surely,” said I, “This is what I’m craving, words of wonder, total raving;
iPlay America, such a score, this marvelous mystery to explore—
Set my heart free for a moment, and please do tell me more; —
’Tales of fantastic FUN instore!”

The moon against a dead tree

iPlay America is the BEST place to be for HALLOWEEN!

Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
In there stepped a stately Raving Madman from the days of yore;
Not the least excuse made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
But, he spoke of iPlay After Dark, standing in my chamber door—
His words on fire set the spark, standing in my chamber door—
Spooky FUN and so much more.

The Spooky Spooktacular sounded beguiling, had my face lit up smiling,
The delightful tales the Madman spun of FUN so near the Jersey Shore,
Though time is of the essence surely, don’t miss out, hurry, hurry,
Rides, magic, haunts, and attractions, all that delightful satisfaction and more—
But it ENDS on Halloween! Disappearing like a dream or sandcastles on the shore—
Quoth the Madman, “Dude! You can’t miss the Spooky Spooktacular
Halloween at iPlay America, going on NOW through All Hallows Eve!”

Happy Halloween!